
The purpose of this page is to archive all documents, reports, and resources created by PBPAC or its members for future reference. Please note that this is a work in progress and many documents and resources many be missing. If you have any questions or documents you wish to be included, please email

Presentation Recordings

Casco Bay Trail Alliance Presentation - Nancy Grant, Casco Bay Trail Alliance May 9, 2022

Portland to Auburn Rail Presentation - Grayson Lookner, State Representative August 8, 2022

East Coast Greenway / Casco Bay Bridge Redesign - Kristine Keeney, East Coast Greenway Alliance September 12, 2022

Portland Bike Share Update - Keli Hoyt-Rupert, Tandem Mobility October 11, 2022

Portland Trails: 2023 and Beyond- Jaime Parker, Portland Trails February 13th, 2023

Safe Routes to School Presentation - Dakota Hewlett, MaineDOT •  March 13, 2023

Union Branch & Libbytown Connector Trail Updates - Tom Nosal, Toole Design November 13, 2023

Walk & Ride Audits

"Better Bike Lanes" Project Ride Audit (January 16, 2022) - Presentation

Libbytown Walk Audit (February 13, 2022) - Report Video

Nason's Corner Walk Audit (March 3, 2022) - Report Video 

Morrill's Corner Walk Audit (April 18, 2022) - Report (co-authored with Friends of Morrill's Corner)

Summer 2022 Councilor Ride (June 29, 2022) - Report 

Autumn Community Ride (September 25, 2022) - Report

Lambert Street Walk Audit (October 29, 2022) - Report

Deering Ave Walk Audit (January 25, 2023) - Report

Bayside Walk Audit (May 21, 2023) -Report 

Riverton Neighborhood Walk Audit (March 17, 2024)-Report

York Street and the Casco Bay Bridge Walk Audit (May 19, 2024)-Report 

Official Group Letters

Public Comment on Shelter TDM Plan Addressed to the Planning Board - August 17, 2021

Public Comment on Hotel Valet Bike Parking at 477 Congress Street Addressed to the Planning Board - September 15, 2021

Public Comment on "Higher Quality Bike Lanes" Discussion Addressed to Sustainability & Transportation Committee - October 20, 2021

Bicycle & Pedestrian Coordinator Position Proposal   Addressed to Finance Committee, Sustainability & Transportation Committee - March 5, 2022

Request for inclusion of additional Sidewalk Snow Plows in FY23 CIP Budget Addressed to City Council - March 18, 2022

Public Comment on Roux Institute Addressed to Planning Board - June 14, 2022

Request for inclusion of additional Sidewalk Snow Plows in FY24 CIP budget Addressed to City Manager, Mayor & City Council - October 11, 2022

The Portland Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee's Priorities for 2023 Addressed to City Council, Mayor & City Manager - December 28, 2022

Letter to the Planning board on Portland Company Site Plan Addressed to the Planning Board- January 9, 2023

Letter on the search for a new city manager Addressed to the Portland City Council- February 14th, 2023

Letter on Safe Routes To School & the FY24 budget Addressed to City Council, Mayor & City Manager - April 20, 2023

Testimony on LD 1634 Addressed to the the Joint Standing Committee on Transportation- April 25th, 2023

Public Comment on METRO route and schedule changes Addressed to Greater Portland Metro staff & Board - May 17, 2023

Letter on Parks Department Capital Improvement Plan Addressed to Parks Department and Parks Commission- September 6th, 2023

Letter in Support of Reconnecting Our Villages: Historic Libbytown Addressed to US Secretary of Transportation, Pete Buttigieg - September 15, 2023

Letter of Support for CDBG funding for Rowe School Sidewalk Improvements Addressed to Portland Department of Public Works - November 14, 2023 

Letter on Jetport Parking Additions Addressed to Portland Jetport Director - December 12, 2023

The Portland Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee's Priorities for 2024 Addressed to City Council, Mayor & City Manager - December 29th, 2023

Portland Needs Vision Zero Addressed to City Council, Mayor & City Manager- June 17th, 2024

State and High: Comment for S&T committee Addressed to Sustainability and Transportation Committee September 11th, 2024

Policy & Technical Documents

Parking Policy Proposal Co-Authored with Urbanist Coalition of Portland (formerly Livable Portland) - April 2022

PBPAC's Full priorities for 2023 Voted on December 12, Published December 28th, 2022

Additional PBPAC Resources

PBPAC Bylaws - Last Amended July 11, 2022

Winter Cycling Guide - Published December 2023 by the City of Portland Sustainability Office, with contributions from PBPAC and others