
Upcoming events

Casco and Veterans Memorial Bridge Ride Audit

Sunday, June 30 • 10AM-12 PM • Harbor View Memorial Park, 215 York Street.

On June 30th the Portland Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee plans to hold a ride audit of the Casco Bay Bridge, the Veterans Memorial Bridge and the trails and roads that connect them to neighborhoods in Both Portland and South Portland. We plan on writing a report of the ride, which will be written in collaboration with everyone who shows up. 

We will be riding at a slow pace and stopping often to discuss the infrastructure that we come across, the ride will be about 6 miles long.  Bring a Bicycle, bright clothing, and water!  It's not a long ride but we'll stop and talk often.

The Route will be very much like this:

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Past events

2023 Candidate & Community ride: September 17th


Join us for our annual Candidate & Community ride!
We'll depart from the Riverton Community Center ( 1600 Forest Ave, Portland, ME 04103) at 11:00 AM.

Since District 4 & 5 are both selecting councilors this year, the ride will go from the Riverton Community Center in District 5 to Payson Park in District 4 via some back streets & trails: the trails aren't particularly challenging, and the route is only 3.6 miles: we don't be ridding straight down Forest Ave, never fear!

We'll finish up with a discussion at Payson Park, on the Triangle of grass between Catafalque Drive & Inlet Road, at just the right time to attend the Back Cove Neighborhood Association's Baxter Blvd Reopening Party (which is 12:30-3:30 & includes music & food trucks!) (

We'll hand out maps, ride directions & a set of return directions just in case folks drive to the Start. 

PBPAC Social Hour

Wednesday, June 5 • 6-730 PM • Austin Street Brewery, 115 Fox Street

Join us for a free-form, no-agenda gathering of people who move about the city by foot and wheel and get to know more about PBPAC and how to get involved! Anyone is welcome, whether you are a long-time member or just interested in talking with folks who are passionate about active transportation.

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